Speeders in Phase 1

Glendale residents worry about speeders on Utopia Road near 67th Avenue

Utopia Road, with its divided roadway & beautiful trees, has always been a focal point of the community in Phase 1 & Phase 2 in Arrowhead Ranch.

Unfortunately, it has become more of a negative at times than a standout feature of the community. With traffic speed becoming a concern for local residents.

Having lived off of Utopia Road in two different places in Phase 2, I know I was guilty at times of going too fast and being in a rush to get home or wherever I needed to be.

If you use these roads, please take a moment to remember that people live in these neighborhoods and it is important to maintain a safe speed, for pedestrians, children and yourself.

This issue was the subject of several news articles lately, to read more you can see the full article at ABC15.com

Please be safe when driving through our community.

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